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There is a nurse at the school daily; however if the nurse is not available, trained staff will handle medication distribution and any emergency that arises. If your child becomes ill while at school, the student needs to go to the nurse’s office to be checked. We will call you to come pick him/her up if necessary. Please always be sure the school has current phone numbers for you and other emergency contact persons.

Please let the school nurse know if your student has significant health history, life threatening allergies or special medical concerns.

All students must meet state immunization requirements in order to attend school. The goal of these requirements is to reduce and eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases among South Carolina’s children, adolescents and adults. Each student must have completed the required immunizations in order to attend school. Please be sure your child is up to date on all immunizations. Your child’s healthcare provider can help you determine if he/she needs further immunizations.

New Rule for Childcare and School for the 2020-2021 School Year!