Explanation of Phases of the Hybrid Model
Phase 2: Hybrid*
The hybrid phase of instruction will be used when Richland County is deemed to be at medium risk for COVID-19, as determined by DHEC risk assessment ratings. During the hybrid phase of the Phase-in Model, most students will report to school two days per week. Students will be provided meaningful learning experiences through distance learning on the other days they are not in school. This phase supports social distancing as it mitigates some of the issues related to limited building and bus capacity. It also allows for deep cleaning of buildings and buses on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Additional learning resources and staff support will be provided to ensure equity and to address the social and emotional needs of students.
Key Features of This Phase:
• Students will be assigned to attend school with either the “A” or the “B” attendance group based on their last names. In instances where students in one household have different last names, the administration will work with parents to determine whether all students in the family will be assigned to “A” or “B” day.
• Students assigned to the “A” attendance group will be physically present in school on “A” days, which will be Mondays and Tuesdays. Students assigned to the “B” attendance group will be physically present in school on “B” days, which will be Thursdays and Fridays.
• Specific details about which days students will report to school will be announced to parents after the registration for the R1 Virtual School Program closes and it is determined how many remaining students will be participating in the Phase-in Model. This will help ensure that numbers of students are as equally distributed on A and B days as possible.
• On the days students are not physically present in school, they will be expected to follow a posted schedule to complete assignments and continue learning at home. This schedule could include scheduled online meetings with counselors, school psychologists, interventionists, media specialists, related arts teachers, resource teachers or ESOL teachers. Variances of schedules for levels is provided in greater detail below.
• Students will be expected to complete all work assigned, regardless of whether they are working from school or working at home.
• Teachers will provide feedback in a timely manner regarding work done at home, just as they will work completed at school, so students and parents up-to-date information about student progress and success.
See the explanations below for more information about how the hybrid model will be accommodated in Pre-Kgrade 5 and in grades 6-12.
Structure and Safety
• Students will attend school in person on either A Days (Monday/Tuesday) or B Days (Thursday/Friday).
• Students will participate in remote learning three days per week. Students will have their own separate materials at school. They also will have a set of materials for at-home learning (manipulatives, take-home books, pencils etc.).
In-person Classroom Instruction
• Each class will begin with a morning meeting that serves to check in, provide social emotional support and forecast upcoming learning.
• Instruction will focus primarily on English Language Arts and math with science and social studies content being integrated into ELA and math lessons.
• Teachers will continue to utilize the curriculum units and instructional framework for English Language Arts and math.
• Teachers will conduct small-group instruction and in-class intervention daily.
• Students will participate in one related arts class per day that will take place in the “home” classroom.
Remote Learning
• Students will follow a remote learning schedule that will be posted and easy to follow.
• Students will complete independent assignments that are an extension of the in-class learning.
• Identified, trained support personnel will host classroom community meetings daily. The meetings will serve as an opportunity to check in with students and provide social-emotional support.
• Additional instruction may be provided through teacher-recorded lessons or the district-recorded lesson library (located on R1TV On Demand at www.richlandone.org).
Specialized Instruction and Support
• Supplemental support providers will provide instructional and/or intervention through scheduled sessions on remote learning days. (ESOL, special services, AAP and interventionists). Services that cannot be provided through remote learning will be provided on in-person learning days.
Parent Support
• Teachers will host scheduled parent check-ins. Parents may log in to ask questions and receive updates directly from the teachers.
• Teachers will distribute a classroom forecast that includes upcoming lesson topics, standing assignments and other important information (weekly or bi-weekly, based on grade level and district expectations).
*NOTE: The District has been carefully weighing and will continue to consider information presented by pediatricians, some of which seems to suggest that children ages birth to 10 have low to no transmission of COVID-19. Other scientific evidence suggests that there is not enough information at this time to make that determination.
If it is determined at some point in the future that Pre-K through grade 5 students and staff can safely return to school (meeting all CDC and DHEC guidelines for social distancing, PPE, etc.) during Phase 2 (medium risk), the district will make an announcement at least two weeks prior to a change from the hybrid approach to a “classroom family” approach. Again, this decision will not be made without an announcement to families and until such time as there is a preponderance of scientific evidence that students and staff will be safe in doing so. We expect that such evidence would be supported by DHEC and that their guidance would be revised.
Classroom Families – Elementary School Level (possibility in Phase 2, based on science and circumstances, and ONLY when/if it is deemed safe for students and staff)
Richland One supports the American Academy of Pediatrics’ goal of students’ safe return to school for in-person learning as soon as possible. Understanding how important face-to-face instruction is for young children, in particular, the district will continue to examine risk factors and scientific evidence to determine when and if students in Pre-K through Grade 5 and the valued staff that support their learning can safely return to school.
At that time, elementary students will come to school five days per week and will be organized as “classroom families.” For the most part, each classroom family will remain together in their classroom for the entire day, including meal time. Related arts teachers and some special teachers (such as resource and ESOL teachers) will “push in” to the classroom. Students whose accommodations require for more intensive support may leave the classroom, as required to support accommodations. Students will be allowed to leave the classroom for restroom breaks and outside learning and play during each day as weather permits.
Federal, state and local guidance regarding social distancing, PPE and other COVID-19-related protocols will be followed.
Hybrid - Middle and High School Levels
For the most part, parents can expect that if their child attends school in person on “A” days (Mondays and Tues- days), they will participate in class remotely on Thursdays and Fridays, while students who attend on “B” days at- tend in person. Similarly, students who attend school on “B” days on Thursdays and Fridays will participate in class remotely on Mondays and Tuesdays, while students in the “A” group attend in person.
• Students remain assigned to their home/zoned school and are taught by teachers who are assigned to that school.
• Standards-based instruction will be provided in all classes.
• Schedules will be established and posted so parents and students can know what to expect.
• The amount of work assigned in courses will be developmentally appropriate for each level and consistent with normal course expectations.
• Grading policies established by the South Carolina Department of Education’s Uniform Grading Policies and Richland One will be followed.
• Attendance will be taken in all classes daily. Students are expected to participate.
• Assessments as required by the state and/or district will be administered.
• Synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences will be provided, as appropriate and necessary to support student success. In synchronous learning experiences, students participate in “live” sessions with a teacher being present. In asynchronous learning experiences, students may watch assigned videos without the teacher being present.
• Students who quality for special services (IEPs, ESOL, GT, etc.) will be provided access to those services. Models and formats may be modified to be implemented virtually.
• Eligible students will have access to district intervention tools and support from interventionists.
• Microsoft Teams will be used to support ease of instructional delivery and interaction with students and parents.
Specific information about schedules will be provided at the school level, as not all schools or courses within schools operate on the same schedule. School leaders are working with staff to revise the master schedule. Parents and students will be provided additional information from their school.