William S. Hall School
William S. Hall is a residential facility located on the grounds of Morris Village which serves students requiring inpatient mental health services. Unless medically unadvisable, students are expected to participate in educational activities which will prepare them to meet South Carolina learning standards and score as well as their abilities allow on state standardized tests. Our academic program focuses on helping students stay current with their academic skills or develop strengths that will enable them to function more effectively in their regular school programs upon completion of their hospital stay. Each student is offered the opportunity to participate in the Richland One approved core course curriculum taught by certified teachers during his/her hospital stay. Hall’s 2016 PASS data shows an increase in our social studies and science scores. Hall School was a recipient of the 2014-2015 Palmetto Gold Award in the area of general performance.
Our school is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the Graduate by providing our students an opportunity to utilize Edgenuity to stay on track for graduation. This provides an opportunity for students to enroll in diploma-track courses not offered at Hall School. ALEKS is an additional tool that has been added to increase student achievement. It allows for customized support in various areas of mathematics. Students in self-contained classes are also enrolled in functional math and ELA courses.
This year we have increased collaboration with the Department of Mental Health staff and they have been vital in providing input for the renewal and monitoring of our school renewal plan.
Faythe K Redenburg
Hall Institute Contact: 803-898-1464